
  • Unusual Friends

    Kelly, Haley and Erica are the last of their family members and are lonely, and when they are sucked into their favorite game. They end up doing the last thing they ever expected, becoming friends with the killers and secrets that tie them all together.

  • But Your My Favorite Killer

    What would happen if your wildest dream came true and you met your favorite slasher movie villain inside of a game? Anything can happen… :O) Ghostface

  • The Hurt Will Never Leave

    Story plot - Optimus slowly must come to grips that his daughter and now his grandson think very little of him. ONE- SHOT

  • Love is the Name - Revised Edition

    Tia and Kate Stark are Tony Stark's daughters, but when Tony learns his older daughter keeps a secret from him, his younger daughter helps her. He blows his stack until the two disappear in a fiery crash. Tony thinks his daughters are dead, but Vision and Dr. Strange assure him they aren't. However, where did they go, and how can he get them back before it's too late?

  • Barricade's Choice

    Barricade is tired of the Megatron's war, when Optimus Prime is badly injured and betrayed by his own troops and supposed friends. Barricade decides to step in and save him as something special happens between Optimus and the Ex Con until a bounty is placed on Optimus and Barricade's heads. However, they get unexpected help from an unlikely source that offers them sanctuary in a co

  • Trapped Forever - (DIFFERENT STORY)

    AU – What happens when KSI taps into two fangirls' writing about them as well as rude conversations about them? Attinger and Savoy are beyond pissed as well as Joyce. However, no one realizes what the future holds, especially when Knight Optimus and another version of Optimus get involved, and especially when Savoy must learn to trust the very ones he was told to hunt down when the

  • Parasite - Original

    Optimus is poisoned by Cemetery Wind with a parasite that targets his spark, and the parasite not finding his spark chamber right away tears Optimus apart to reach his spark chamber.

  • Defeated Finally

    One-shot warnings - The original story

  • Run For Your Life

    AU – Two sisters lucky enough to find love, may have it all taken away when someone decides to throw them, and Jack, Miko and Raf into another realm from a very dangerous game. Bayverse, Prime Verse, Buffy. and Dead by Daylight

  • The Deadly Plan

    An unknown enemy targets Optimus Prime, and Optimus is ambushed by The Avengers, who attack him believing him to be evil. Can his mate get to him in time, or will he die horribly at the hands of supposed heroes?

  • Hook, Lined and Destroyed

    Megatron is about to get what he truly wants by the only way possible lying and cheating!

  • His Bright Future

    Optimus Prime has been abused, beaten and later memories return about exactly what happened to him and why he left Cybertron in the first place and who exactly was pulling the strings.

  • Optimus Prime's Many Adventures

    There are a number of stories made before that have been edited and changed to make a few new stories in a collection book.

  • Forever Sister of Mine

    A mysterious young woman shows up at NEST and into the lives of the Autobots, and suddenly Optimus Prime is faced with more detailed past memories he already started to remember. Memories that Sentinel Prime does not want him to remember because Optimus' true Sire will come out and ruin the awful past Sentinel, Megatron and others have tried to hide. And, it all starts with a brac

  • To conquer a hero - Original

    Gift fiction for Moonstar19

  • Defeated - Original version

    Supergirl is affected by red kryptonite, and when Optimus Prime passes through National City, Supergirl takes a murderous rampage against Optimus that leads to brutal consequences.

  • Revenge – Original version

    During the Chicago battle a young woman is almost killed from the battle her body being forced to have mechanical parts instead of flesh, she blames Optimus Prime for this and vows to make the kind sparked Autobot commander pay in any way possible….. including robbing him of his one true love Faith the vampire slayer.

  • The judgment is death – The Original version

    AU What if Cade never got to Optimus when the Knights were making their judgment against him? What if both Cade and Lennox were so mesmerized by what the Knights of Cybertron were doing to Optimus that they chose NOT to help him.

  • Transformers Prime - Control - Original version

    Optimus Prime has every everything ripped from him, can Megatron make the difference or will something from Megatron's past destroy Optimus Prime once and for all?

  • Transformers Prime – Reluctant father - REMAKE

    Optimus learns he has a daughter; which he never dreamed could be possible. Optimus is not sure he truly believes it, Ratchet doesn't believe it at all and neither does Arcee. They believe she is mixed up with Silas and M.E.C.H; when the girl runs away realizing maybe her mother made a terrible mistake telling her to find her father trouble starts…. Trouble that not even Optimus ma