

  • Taking the Long Way Around

    The Mystic Falls Gang failed in their latest attempt to kill the Original Hybrid when Stefan inexplicably came to Klaus's aid and then helped him defeat Mikael. Elena's friends are trying to make new plans. It doesn't help that Elena is having strange dreams. All she knows is that she needs to do something but little does she know the Spirits of Nature have plans of their own.

  • Damned if I Do Damned if I Don't

    AU 2x18. Klaus has taken control of Alaric to see for himself his doppelganger in her natural habitat High School. She is just as beautiful as Katerina and his first love Tatia. But he needs to break his curse. Everything is going well until the class bell rings and finds his intended sacrifice wanting to talk to him alone. What she says next might change everything.

  • The Old Petrova Switcheroo

    "Too bad there wasn't a way for Elena and Katherine to, I don't know, swap places." It is amazing what a simple statement said both in anger and jest can alter outcomes that no one expected until its too late. With the looming ritual only now mere hours away. Jeremy's words have a profound affect on Katherine Pierce and Elena Gilbert lives. WARNING: Character Personality Death

  • What Tattoo

    Klaus is all set to break his curse he has every component he needs and tonight he will break the curse his damnable mother placed on him at the behest of her husband. He just needed to take a phone call from his witch.