

  • Are You Swooning Yet?

    It happens like this: Colonnello is a nice guy. That's probably not true. He's friends with Reborn so Skull's pretty sure he *can* be an asshole too, but the important thing is that it's not his default state. Most importantly, Colonnello is nice *with him*, so of course Skull lays his claim on him first before stealing him away. [Cross-posted on ao3. Tags inside.]

  • Kiss Kiss Fall In Love

    Colonnello just wanted to shut him up for a bit, honest. [Cross-posted on ao3. Tags inside.]

  • Whose Murderous Toddlers are Those?

    In which Skull is too old and powerful an immortal to see the Arcobaleno as anything else but toddlers, and he's right there and has nothing better to do when it clearly appears they're in dire need of some parental guidance. [Tags inside. Cross-posted on ao3.]

  • team care at the very least

    In which, even behind screens, the Arcobaleno still don't go along with each other. [Cross-posted on ao3. Tags inside.]

  • Love is

    In which Tsuna loves and mourns and fails and tries again and tries to salvage anything he can. There's not much left for him to salvage. [Cross-posted on ao3. Tags inside.]

  • woes of a summon (except he's actually here for it)

    In which Reborn and Colonnello are quite the unusual pair. [Cross-posted on ao3. Cross-posted on tumblr. Tags inside.]

  • Funny how a bathroom break can suddenly turn you into a parent (Not)

    Mammon goes to the bathroom for like, a *second*, and comes back to *their* table to a child calling himself a prince eating the food *they* ordered for themself. They're not happy about it. [Cross-posted on ao3. Cross-posted on tumblr. Tags inside.]

  • Things I wish would make it all better

    (I'm so sorry nothing will ever make it better) / Sometimes the weight and pain of the Curse hit them all over again like it just happened to them, but always worse than when it just happened to them. There's nothing you can do to stop the hurt, but you can make it not hurt any more than it has to. [Cross-posted on ao3. Tags inside.]

  • My hands have made some unspeakable choices

    (What if it's all they can ever do?) / The night before the Representative Battle of the Rainbow starts, Byakuran is kept awake by the memories of the Future that Never Was. They didn't teach him anything he didn't already know about himself, and maybe he wishes they did. [Cross-posted on ao3. Cross-posted on tumblr. Tags inside.]

  • Please, be (one of) my partner

    Tsuna just has to fake it for one night, and then fakes a big breakup or whatever. He can manage that much, surely, probably. Hopefully. Oh, please, God, let him manage that much. [Cross-posted on ao3. Cross-posted on tumblr. Tags inside.]

  • Seven for the Price of Seven

    As he makes it more and more famous in the stunt industry, people inexplicably start targeting Skull's life. Naturally, his manager hires bodyguards to keep him safe. Seven of them, just to be safe rather than sorry. [Cross-posted on ao3. Cross-posted on tumblr. Tags inside.]

  • Even Rome fell (—and you weren't much of an Empire at all)

    When Icarus flew too close to the sun, the gods burnt his wings and let him fall to his death. When the worlds need seven sacrifices to keep turning, Kawahira curses the seven monsters who'd burn it all to the ground on a whim. In at least eight different parallel worlds, Byakuran learns this knowledge the hard way. [Cross-posted on ao3. Tags inside.]

  • When does a Saint Become a Monster?

    Oh, when he loves. [Title and summary inspired by "Start Here", a poem from Caitlyn Siehl.] [Tags inside. Cross-posted on ao3.]

  • Broken, Bleeding Nails

    The Giglio Nero Donne are born with knowledge that turns them sharp and jagged at the edges, ignites their eyes with a cold fire. They die young, and every time the world shudders and holds their breath, fears the next time will be the one they'll drag them down with them for good. [They will.] [Tags inside. Cross-posted on ao3.]

  • this can't be happening (it is)

    In which Skull is neither Reborn's nor Colonnello's type because they have no taste, except the joke's on them because they do, and Skull literally only has to exist and flirts a little. [Tags inside. Cross-posted on ao3.]

  • i'll say it to you again, one last time—

    Tsuna knows, as he's made to fight against a hopeless future, and before even the Vongola Trial, that Vongola cannot be allowed to prosper. Most importantly, he cannot allow Vongola to drag them further into the mafia any longer. [Cross-posted on ao3. Tags inside.]

  • Will It Fade? (Will He?)

    The Nogitsune dies, Stiles survives. Allison and Aiden die, Stiles survives. The Nogitsune leaves in its wake death and hurt and survivors, Stiles is among the ones left standing on that bloody path. Stiles isn't grateful for any of it. [The Nogitsune dies, Stiles is himself again. Is he?] [Tags inside. Cross-posted on ao3.]

  • Take your Hands off our Cloud

    In which Skull shows up to the Chosen Seven meeting as a civilian, and the Arcobaleno will be damned if they let the mafia have their way with him because of that. [Two-shots.] [Tags inside. Cross-poted on ao3.]

  • Local Immortal Meal Near You

    Turns out Skull, in fact, isn't the only human in town surviving through the zombie apocalypse. But then again, he is* the only human* in town surviving through the zombie apocalypse. [Cross-posted on ao3. Tags inside.]