
  • Shield

    He would go into the past to protect Olivia, and to the fictional world of childhood monsters and heroes to protect Noah's innocence. He loved both Bensons with every part of his heart and would do anything for them. "I'm gonna stay here all night and keep you both safe." Established EO

  • When Her Partner Comes Home

    It was over. He was safe. He was home at last. Hearing her voice on the phone every couple of months had never been enough. Just a little something I started in honor of Elliot's return. AU EO. Formerly titled Welcome Home. Rating changed to M as of chapter 5.

  • Motherly Advice

    Olivia gives dating advice to two important people in her life only for the unexpected to happen at the end of the day. Joeleen and EO.

  • For Better Or Worse

    She knew she could get through anything with him by her side. AU of Olivia's rescue in 'Surrender Benson'. Domestic EO (Elliot never left). Originally a oneshot, now gonna be a multichap. Rating changed to M as of chapter 4

  • Father of Mine

    Spinoff of the fanfic Scarred by Definitionofawriter. Detectives Benson and Stabler of the San Diego Special Victims Unit take over the high profile child abuse case against a California defense attorney who is only known for his alias 'Mr. Martin', and a startling discovery into the past reopens a 32 year old case that makes both Nina and Olivia question everything. Fabina and EO

  • A Solid Foundation

    Because this love, this family? They did pretty damn good at keeping her standing. They made her happy, made her feel safe, and they were all hers. There were a lot of things in her life that had threatened to tear her down, but she would always rebuild. Thanks to her solid foundation. The Benson-Stabler family takes a trip to the zoo and reflect on the love they've built.

  • Out of Our System

    "Fuck me for lunch, and then buy me dinner tonight, and savor me for dessert, and I'll show you." Elliot makes her ache and they get each other out of their system, or do they?

  • Near Detonation of The Heart

    "In the stairwell. I froze. I had a panic attack and-and Elliot there were only eight minutes on the bomb when it activated. I don't know how long the panic attack lasted, but I don't think I have much time. I need you to promise me you'll look after Noah," she sobbed out. "Promise." EO. Based on the Feb 24th episode of OC. What if Wheatley had another building as his sixth target?

  • Undercover As Elliot Stabler

    "I'd be crazy to deny you." He kissed her again, harder and faster this time. "Best undercover operation ever." EO date night oneshot based on the flirty stairwell scene in the March 10th episode. What I originally thought Olivia meant by 'undercover as Elliot Stabler' when I saw the promo.

  • Noah's Mom (Has Got it Goin' On)

    "He knows he's done her wrong, but he's in love with Noah's mom." Elliot takes his brown-eyed girl out for coffee.

  • Slay Her Demons

    She knew he desperately needed sleep, and the only way he would rest is if he felt like he was close enough to protect her, to slay her demons. Oneshot from the drafts that was based on the promo of Elliot touching Olivia's face before we knew it was the letter reveal episode. Enjoy!