

  • Let Me Warn You!

    Shindou Hikaru is currently annoyed at her situation. She decided to say her problem to his boyfriend. And the said boyfriend is mad, what will Touya Akira will do if he finds out that someome harassinh his girlfriend? Fem Hikaru/Akira

  • Let Me Warn You!

    Shindou Hikaru is having a problem because of certain someone who he hates. What will Touya Akira will do whe he finds out that someone is harassing his girlfriend. "Let me warn you , do not go near at my girlfriend"

  • Let Me Warn You!

    Shindou Hikaru is currently having a problem because of someone. What will Touya Akira do when he finds out someone is harassing his girlfriend? "Let me warn you, don't go near my girlfriend"

  • Return to Change the Past

    Harry Potter finally defeats Lord Voldemort ending the Second Wizarding War. After years of having a happy end,he suddenly found himself in his old room in the cupboard in his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia's house together with their spoiled son Dudley. A/N:I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters and some of the plot. All rights for that are given to J.K Rowling's Books.