Mairead Monroe

  • The Newius Girlius

    Once upon a time - no lets cut that. This is a Mary-Sue parody. So what happens when Grazyna Arcatrude-Pandouffle arrives? Sex? Lies? Tampons? I don't know - read to find out!

  • Marauders The Musical!

    I'M BACK! CHAPTER NINE FINALLY! Our darling Marauders break out into song, as you do in Hogwarts. But why are they? Who is behind it! Can we hear more! A bit slashy, I couldn't help it! MWPP! rr!

  • Cascade

    Thirty-Five years old, childless and stuck in a dead end marriage to a dentist. When Hermione meets a stranger her life takes a sudden change. For better or for worse?

  • Never Fall In Love With a Werewolf

    CHAPTER TEN! It's the night after the incident in the Department of Mysteries. Remus trails of to Grimmauld Place where he was staying with Sirius. What awaits him now that his faithful friend is gone? COMPLETE!

  • Halloween 1981

    That fateful night in 1981. A night no one is likely to forget. Lily and James Potter were cooing over each other and their baby, but little did they know, that they were about to be betrayed. r/r!

  • Rather WellEndowed

    What happens after Lily Evans finally stops playing mind games with James? Why is Sirius naked with two others? Who oh why am I hyper?! Read to find out! r/r!

  • The Nearness of You

    Hermione arrives at the Weasleys house. Her parents aren't that fond of Hermione. But who is Hermione fond of? r/r please!!

  • Omnia Vincit Amor

    I'm back! Its that fateful summer of 1995, y'know THAT summer, the GoF summer. Harry is not quite well in the head, whereas Hermione lets you in on a secret. r/r!

  • Hermione's Turn

    It's the Goblet of Fire in Hermione's eyes.

  • Harry Potter. After Book Seven

    Harry is about to change his life for the better. The metaphor ends, its a story of courage and bravery now r/r

  • After Hogwarts - Revised

    Ron and Hermione's relatinoship is drifting apart, but will Ron overcome his stubborness and reilise the baby is part of him aswell? Want to find out then read then! *_~

  • A Day in The Life Of... Ginny Weasley

    Ginny is no longer that little girl who fancies Harry Potter, not at all! She has a new lad to keep her day dreaming... r/r! Love you all! *_**

  • The Love Potion Mix Up

    It all comes out and Hermione gets confused! r/r *_* thank you sooo much for the reviews! Love you all!!! *_*

  • When Hermione meets the Internet

    I'm back, and this is the last chapter, which is weird (arnt we all) it's taken me ages to get back from my holiday and from writers block! Thank you for reviewing!! Love you all!!

  • Regrets - Eloise Midgeon

    Once again, I've gone deep, again with Hermione ^_^ but she is reflecting on Eloise Midgeon, that spotty girl, no one talks or writes about, so this is original :-) R/R!

  • Hermione - She's the one

    Hermione's childhood is somewhat cruel to our small genius. Big London Primary school in Peckham, bullies everywhere. Hermione refelcts on her life as a ten year old. r/r please :)

  • They Way They Are Now

    Well, thought this up in a maths exam. So, what if they were really alive. This is what it'd be like. r/r please! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! (c=

  • After Hogwarts

    It's moments before the Graduation Ball.... This is my first ficcie, so dont flame! MERRY CHRISTMAS