The West-Oliver Scribe

  • Cooking Kerfluffles and Home Alone Woes

    When Cat gets her first chance to stay home alone, she thinks it will be a great opportunity to prove how grown up she is ... but after scary late night cartoons, she starts to change her mind. When Jade and Beck come to the rescue (like usual), Cat thanks them with another first - cooking dinner! After all, what could go wrong? Dedicated to prompt provider, Boris Yeltsin.

  • An Issue of Timing

    An explanation of some parts of Beck and Jade's complex relationship, and how Beck helps Jade learn how to control her actions just a little bit better. Lots of love, patience, and time can make a positive difference when it comes to learning self-regulation. Inspired by the Season 2 Episode 1 "Beggin' on Your Knees" scene where Beck puts Jade in a time out.

  • Lemonade, Waffles, and Ink

    Or, several gifts that Beck received on his seventeenth birthday. Inspired by Imagine sus' recent birthday and dedicated to said reader. ;)

  • The Peculiar Particulars of Premature Parenting

    Beck and Jade may not be a peaceful couple but they have a lot of love for each other ... and maybe even some to spare. Cat is a little love sponge, growing up in an environment that does not have a lot left for her. Someone needs to watch out for her. Beck and Jade are able to provide some stability, affection, and "premature parenting" to their special friend. Laughter to follow!

  • Maybe It's More Than Just About Diddly-Bops

    Cat enjoys being part of the Diddly-Bops ... and maybe it has meaning beyond just performing a fun kids' song. Sometimes it is nice to forget. Sometimes it is nice to feel special. Based on the episode "The Diddly-Bops".

  • I Only Need One Shot

    Jade remembers what happened the night of the showcase, and it influences her in having less sympathy for Tori when she is performing Sikowitz's "bird scene" challenge. (Changed accounts that this was posted under. Not a duplicate.) Two-chapter story.

  • N is For Never Again

    What if Beck continued the alphabetical acting exercise after he realized what a stupid mistake he had made? Beck begs for Jade's forgiveness, and she considers whether to accept. Based on the infuriatingly sad moments in the pilot. (Changed the account that this was posted under. Not a duplicate! Same author.)