

  • Measured Steps in Solitude

    After her father's remarriage, nine-year-old Artemis's world becomes colored in shades of grey cynicism and pale hostility. Even though the rest of her family happily ignores Zeus's betrayal, it's been day in and out of apathy for Artemis... Then her mother adopts a boy with startling sea-green eyes and red scratches on his wrists. Everything changes from there. Pertemis

  • A Whisper of Fire and Blood

    As an incognito waterbender, Percy is raised in an Earth town by his mother. After questing and covertly practicing bloodbending, Percy is sent to the Fire Nation as a Water Tribe delegate. However, he's there for another reason entirely: on the night of the full moon, Percy plans to use his bloodbending to assassinate the heir to the throne, Azula. She has other plans. Percy/Azula

  • Moonlit Liquor

    Percy Jackson has a crush: on the bright moon that keeps him company during his night shifts, while he works at a common bar. However, falling in love with a trigger-happy moon goddess doesn't exactly fill the "crush" department. In which Artemis is both amused and horrified at the love-stricken bar boy, Percy likes the sound of trouble, and Aphrodite laughs from above. Pertemis

  • The Ink on His Hands

    In which Ryuk's timing is severely off, and an eight-year-old, equally clever Light Yagami finds the Death Note lying near his elementary school's rusty playground. Light fears death, is angered by injustice, and plays a dangerous game with his death pet and his own sanity. Meanwhile in England, a black-haired prodigy chews his finger curiously at the criminals dying on the telly.

  • To Live or Not to Live

    With war far from his mind and an ideal life with Annabeth ahead, things are looking up. Then he dies. Painfully. Percy didn't ask for death, and he certainly didn't ask for thirty reincarnations, where the only common denominator is a familiar name at the tip of his tongue. Who exactly is "Annabeth" anyway? And why are there thirty blondes running around rampant? Percabeth AU

  • Playing Tag With the Darkness

    The war with Kronos hasn't ended. Seventeen-year-old Percy Jackson is bitter, vengeful, and darker than he's ever been before. Horror and tragedy has haunted him, and everyone - including his best friend, Annabeth - has noticed the casual shift into the darkness. Percy will take Kronos down, consequences be damned, even if it costs him his humanity. Dark!Percy, Leaning to Percabeth