
  • Bonnie x Kim: The New Relationship

    Bonnie is now dating Kim, after she foud out she was LGBT. The cheer star is wanting to start a new relationship, can she start a new one. With the help of Kim and her mom?

  • No More Danny Phantom

    AU: When the doctor in Doctor's Disorders tries to steal Danny's DNA, what if he actually did it. What would Danny be like? Would he still have a normal life?

  • Danny Phantom: A New Ghost In Town

    There is a new ghost in town, and apparently she is a stripper ghost, she is one because she used to work in a strip club before she died. Her favorite thing to do is make people annoyed. This is her story about how she fights with Danny.

  • Kim VS Drakken: The Romance Files

    This is a story about how Kim is struggling with life, and love, her boyfriend Ron must help her with her everyday missions, as for Drakken he is having some problems as well. And Shego must help him out.

  • Dib is Gay

    This is a short pride month story about how Dib comes out to his dad, and goes to stay with Zim. ZADR, of course!

  • The Future Is Bright (Maybe)

    Kim is dealing with a lot of stress in her life, but when Dr. Drakken finds away to make it worse, will Kim be able to survive senior year without any trouble? Or will she be at her breaking point?

  • The Ectoplasam Disaster

    In which Danny's parents have a little accident with ectoplasam and it destroys the whole Ghost Zone...

  • A Bunch of Short DP Stories

    The title says it all, these are some stories that I have came up with for Danny Phantom. But have been too lazy to put them in a chronological order story, so I just mushed them together into DP oneshots! Hope you enjoy!

  • Drakken's Revenge: The Beginning

    This is going to be a multiseries thing, I haven't done one before but I still hope you enjoy: Drakken has been plotting a big plan for over several years, but when Kim Possible is out of leauge, he finds this as a chance to make things bigger! Will he?

  • Family Memories

    This is a story about Kim, Ron, and their two children. And how they live out their lives, there will be some OC's in this story. And some sexual scenes BETWEEN THE PARENTS. Later on. Hope you all enjoy!

  • Together We Stand

    After another incident at the SFIT, Hiro starts to feel traumatized. But when GoGo suddenly starts to develop feelings for him, how will the two confess. In the middle of a tragedy?

  • A Whole New Rose

    Rose has been feeling like her life is not worth it, but when Jack tells her otherwise. He makes her feel more happy, this is Jack and Rose's story about making it count. And finding your way to hope.

  • Danny Masters

    When Danny is sent to live with Vlad, he must adjust to the sitaution. And learn to deal with things that are a bit out of his control, will things get worse when everything starts going downhill for him?

  • It's the End of the World As We Know It?

    A massive asteroid is coming towards Earth. Danny needs Clockwork so he can help stop this major threat, but when he does something dumb with the machine. Danny sends the time back to the 90s where everything was cool. Can Danny get everyone back?

  • Danny Phantom: Some Things Never Change

    Danny is having some issues with his family, so his mom Maddie sends him to live with Vlad. But how will Danny handle living with his worst enemy, will Danny be able to handle the stress or will this be his breaking point?

  • New Girl Rebecca

    Rebecca Andrews is a new girl at Holloywood Arts, she meets the whole gang and starts developing friendships with everyone. But when Jade starts to like her the most, will they have a friendship or will it be more than that?

  • Something To Live For

    Kim has been struggling with anxiety for the past few days, but when she meets a new guy named Thomas who also struggles with the condition. Will Kim like Thomas or will he be a not-so-good-guy?

  • Jack's Poem To Rose

    This is Jack's poem, that he wrote for Rose.

  • Kim Possible Oneshots

    These are some onsehots related to the TV show Kim Possible, I do hope you all enjoy them. Some of them will be Kim x Ron, Shego x Kim, etc. And I do have to say that some of these will be mature...

  • The Observants Next Target

    When Danny turns fifteen, the observants start getting more intrested in his life. But when Vlad has something to do with his birthday, how will Clockwork and the observants handle all this trouble? And will Danny be a good fifteen year old?