
  • Home Again Again

    This is the story of how Jason died. Don't worry though, he comes back… Eventually. An AU version of Home Again Part 1 set while Connie is in college, and Jason is only 30 years old when he "retires" from the Agency. For real this time... Right?

  • Through My Own Eyes

    Sarah, James and Henri get more than they bargained for reporting at the Second Continental Congress. Prompted by: a story from the perspective of someone witnessing what would be remembered as a major historical event.

  • Connie at Her Wit's End

    Jason is on the floor with wooden blocks, board games, and candy wrappers littered around him. Connie is across from him on the couch eyeing a precarious Jenga tower between them. This night couldn't have gone worse if she planned it. A Connie and Jason drabble with pure fluffiness all around!

  • Girl Meets Another World

    The universe is not content to let Riley, Maya and Farkle live in the muggle world forever. Their journey from New York to fulfilling their destiny in a world very different from their own, won't be a typical day for most eleven year olds. Who will they meet along the way, and not everyone is who they appear to be. Eventual Riarkle and Lucaya

  • Royal Disney Academy

    An AU where royal princes and princesses must be schooled in England to learn magical abilities needed to protect and rule their kingdoms. However, it is their last year, and Aladdin is more interested in mischief and mayhem with Merida than studying. Or are they interested in each other? The Big Four will also be present and accounted for :)