
  • Obsession

    'Hangman was faintly aware he was crossing every line he had, but was so obsessed with making this mission work, that he didn't even care. He would sleep or rest when he mastered this mission, but until that time he allowed himself nothing.' Some Hangman whump and worried Rooster. Written for BTHB on Tumblr. Please R and R.

  • Faithful

    'Newt fidgeted his hands together without slackening the grip on his wand. The only thing Grindelwald wanted was to kill Newt and disappear again before anyone else arrived, and Newt was sure he would do so sooner rather than later.' Newt finds a fugitive Gellert Grindelwald and is forced to a duel. Hurt/comfort story, hurt!Newt. Please R R.

  • Return To Base

    'It took Maverick a full minute to notice Rooster had not moved at all. One might assume he needed a moment, but the look on the young man's face told Maverick something was seriously wrong...' Contains spoilers for Top Gun Maverick. Larger summary inside due to possible spoilers. Hurt!Rooster. Hurt/comfort fic. No slash/smut. Please R and R.

  • Survival

    'Owen immediately realised he had walked straight into the trap these animals were only too good at setting up. He stared intently at the animal in front of him, doing his utter best to read its expression to try and determine when the attack from behind would be coming.' Multi-chaptered fic, more details inside. Hurt!Owen, whump. Some spoilers for Jurassic World 1. Please R and R.