
  • For the Sake of a Sugar Quill

    I wrote this for a fanfic challenge at the Sugar Quill [sugarquill.net] awhile ago, and as I reread it I'm not sure whether it's great or awful.

  • The Cliché Show!

    This is rather -- *DIFFERENT* -- too! ^_^ It's a humble collection. I didn't even put Draco in [ugh, the leather thing annoys me too .. *sigh*]!

  • Golf, God, and Aunt Velma: A Hogsmeade Adventure

    PG for a swear word or two. Inspiration credits to Honoria Glossop's fanfic challenge site -- link in author's note -- which I *STRONGLY* urge you all to visit. Be forewarned, this is NOTHING like any other fic I've done before! Enjoy!

  • Scars

    My muse attacked me with this delicious Sirific idea this morning, and though it probably won't be noticed in the 11,000+ fics around here and I now have loads of work to make up, I couldn't help writing it. PG for language and depressing content.

  • The Weird Sisters Anthology

    AT LAST!! :) I got the idea for this awhile ago, but the pages of my notepad were lost .. long story. Grrr. Inspiration lost, how annoying. Anyways, e/r/r.

  • Potterboy Killed the Voldymort Guy

    That's RIGHT! It's a FILK! To the first song ever played on MTV! ^_^ Video Killed the Radio Star by the Buggles. E/r/r!

  • The Daily Prophet

    Interesting new style I decided to try. Please review and give me your thoughts!!

  • By Sun and Candlelight

    Meagan & I doing a story together!! ;) This is my chapter. The second can be found under *her* profile, the third is back here, and so on. ^_^

  • The Elliski Triplets

    A new series about some Muggle-born triplets who do some pretty interesting things. *giggles* Read it and see.

  • Broken Glass Songfic Quartet

    You are getting very sleeeeeeepy...but you still have time to read this fiiiiiiic....*wink* Kidding. I can't *really* hypnotize.... anyways, this is a series of four songfics, beginning with "Walking on Broken Glass." Enjoy!!

  • Jade Jasper: Hogwarts First Year

    Jade Jasper's first year at Hogwarts. Read it and review it, then read the others...

  • Shadows, Dust, and Air

    Another "why Snape is so bitter" story, but NOT Lily-oriented...I think it's a different reason. PLEASE read & review!!

  • Epistolary Friends

    Dumb title, but BY ALL MEANS give me suggestions for change! Change is good. *grin* Well anyway, the title should explain things. If not, READ & REVIEW!!!! =)

  • A Shadow in the Dark

    *singsong voice* Draco's got a love interest, Draco's got a love interest .. ^_^ Teehee, I'm evil. Read & enjoy -- and kudos to the best beta-reader in the world, MEAGAN!! PG13 for a few words. Nothing serious. :)

  • Lord Voldemort

    "Istanbul" by They Might Be Giants - randomly filked!! ^_^ Enjoy.

  • You Were There

    Not COMPLETELY romance. Should be easy to tell who it is from the story, so I won't. ;) Quite different from anything else I've done before.

  • Yesterday

    R/H, in case you couldn't figure it out. ;) GO BEATLES!! PG for one not-too-serious word. *Very* anguish-y [I hope *grin*].

  • Dictio Noctuas

    Possibly the longest fic I have ever written. And definitely one of the best ideas it came off of! :) Anyways ... read on to find out what the title means, and what an Oscenmouth is!!!! And e/r/r, s'il vous plait.

  • Inside A Snake's Mind

    Could be my last ... takes place AFTER book four which I finished a little after lunchtime today. More inside. Reviews please ...

  • No Good For Me

    PG because ... well ... I dunno. ANYWAYS - I am *SO* not happy with the way this turned out. But R/R anyways, please, maybe you can help me make it better!! *sobs* Horrid.