An Preson Peepul

  • Updraft

    They were simply partners, at least that's they kept telling themselves. Working together to reach their own goals. What they'd do after didn't matter, not when they had a job to finish. But maybe they didn't have to get through it just yet.

  • That's Mama Lucina to You!

    Changing the future was all she wanted to do. Getting to the past seemed like the way to do it, but an accident sends Lucina much further back than she expected. Friend and foe alike cross paths with her, and as she threads through the unfurling mass of Validar's plans, she'll have to decide whether she can really decide what changes occur.

  • Take Me Out to McDonalds (Super Smash Bros)

    After a lifetime of trying to live up to his father, Roy finds himself the best at neither leadership nor combat among his fellow Fire Emblem characters. When he stumbles upon Zelda handing out candy to children, he is moved to follow in her footsteps, something that Zelda is only all too happy to guide him with.

  • Brotherhood of Fluff

    When you have enough crazy and colorful characters living in one place, you're bound to have a few silly things that happen while the bad guys are out of sight and the good guys have nothing to do. This is a collection of the going-ons in the Brotherhood of Smash between world-ending crises.