
  • Rotten Boys

    Kyo returns from jogging to find an unexpected visitor.

  • Taming of the Tsun

    "Listen clearly, shorty. I'm only going through with this because it's less hassle that way. I'm not doing this because I like you." "Sure thing, second son." Anya smirked.

  • A Mother and Son Watch Heartstopper

    (Based on "I Think Our Son is Gay") "You're crying so much, mom." "Sorry, but I thought it was really moving." She wiped her eyes. "Wasn't it lovely how when he finally came out, she was completely accepting of her son?" "Yeah, it was pretty good, I guess." Hiroki was avoiding eye contact.

  • The Lone Wolf and the Grapes

    On their way back from the post-cultural festival party, Kaido talks about how he didn't really want to go to it anyway. He's not even fooling himself.

  • The Thousands of Nights That We Have

    There were thousands of nights before, and thousands of nights after. But for Kyo and Tohru, tonight was always the most important night of all.

  • Leavesdropping

    "I can't believe Ranma's first kiss was stolen by a boy." Akane muttered. There was a cracking sound from the tree branches above. Suddenly, with a tremendous crash, Ryoga was sitting next to her on the bench. Or rather, he was on the bench, but head first. "F-fancy meeting you here, Akane."

  • PSI Am Here!

    When the teacher arrived, many of my now-classmates were dismayed by his slovenly appearance, lying on the floor in a sleeping bag. For my part, my only thought was how great it was to see someone living the dream. I would love to be able to have a job where I can openly lie around and not be fired for it. At least that was my original impression...

  • Waiting for the Kettle to Boil

    Charlie Spring has a bit of a chat with his boyfriend's mother. (Based on Alice Oseman's "Heartstopper")

  • Sorry for Being Perfect

    Trying to get Teruhashi to admit to her feelings for Saiki would be difficult, so Aiura was determined to set up a situation with the best chances of success.

  • The Farmer's Daughter

    Ryoga couldn't believe his luck. That happened a lot, but for once, Ryoga couldn't believe his GOOD luck.

  • Black and Blue

    Kakeru had wanted to do it ever since he first came up with the idea. Kimi enthusiastically joined in because it involved two of her favorite things: dressing up cutely and being photographed. Machi had no opinion. Yuki was opposed. Nao was EXTREMELY opposed.

  • Stoic

    "Karasuma's stomach churned as he watched his students weeping on the ground. They were far too young to have to go through something like this. Damn Yanagisawa, damn Reaper, damn the military, damn the government. Damn everyone who made it harder for these children than it had to be." An introspective narrative of the immediate aftermath of chapter 177.

  • Scientific Enthusiasm

    Mitsuhiko held up his hand. "Teacher, I have a question." "Tsuburaya-kun, right?" The boy nodded. "Go ahead." "Teacher, can you teach me an easy way to memorize the stages of rigor mortis and how long each stage takes?" The teacher's face went blank. "What."

  • Tohru's Recipe

    "I blame you for this, damn rat." Kyo glared at him. Yuki sighed. "I'm sorry for getting sick earlier, but I probably already passed the virus on to you before I knew I was sick in the first place, so you surely can't blame me for that, kittenbutt." Kyo is sick. His boyfriend Yuki is looking after him.

  • Can Anyone Cook?

    Kouji sat on the floor against the wall, his face still red and his breathing still rapid. Mina, sitting next to him, gently rubbed Kouji's forearm. "Honest, we're all sorry about the yelling and commotion." "I'M NOT!" Bakugo bellowed from the next room.

  • Plus Ultra Drabbles

    A collection of 100-word stories about My Hero Academia. Mostly humorous. Today's story: Mineta is unhappy with Yaoyorozu's choice of boyrfriend.

  • My adventure walking home from school, by Hana Karasuma

    My name is Hana. I live with Mama and Papa and Koro-chan. I go to elementary school. Mama said I should write down everything that happened yesterday so that I can remember it better when I grow up.

  • Great Grandpa

    Tohru's grandpa waited as Kyo gradually transferred the baby into his arms. "Now be sure you support his head, grandfather." The old man smiled patiently at Kyo's nervous flapping and fussing. "Son, I'm eighty-five years old. I've had two children and three grandchildren. I've held babies many, many times."

  • Unboxing

    As she entered the common room, Tamaki's smile reminded one of the cat that had not only eaten the canary, but made a gourmet meal of it. Iris pointed at the bag Tamaki was holding. "You've got it?" "You'd better believe it. Hot off the presses, it's the year 199 Fire Force nude calendar."

  • The Nineteenth One

    Kouda has given a certain sign of affection to everyone in class. Except to Bakugou. And now, Bakugou wants answers.