

  • a student and teacher love rewrite

    I'm rewrite the story of Dimitri Byleth and Seteth story become last time I went so fast I forgot some part in some chapters I was but it going to different Byleth will won't find out till middle of the story please PM me like me. or will have made some changes

  • A teacher and Student

    this is a Story of Byleth is in love Prince Dimitri and she pregnant by crown prince of holy kingdom of faerghus when Seteth find she pregnant he try to says the baby she carries inside its his one day Rodrigue Achille Farldarius appearance and request his wife the mother of daughter going with Rodrigue to house Fraldarius where's Byleth and his daughter will safe from Seteth.

  • help in unusual places

    this is a story of Rodrigue Achille Farldarius and how he help Byleth get over Seteth she flee house Farldarius with Archbishop Rhea blessed she live with Rodrigue overtime they fall in love and start date while Seteth looking for Byleth

  • a secret love

    this a story of Jin and Shion Uzuki love story how they keep a secret for years till Shion become of age went they could be together they secretly get married and have a daughter together what's happening went they find out their father will they stay together forever

  • the love triangle

    this is a story of Amber and how love triangle with three man's Bret Hart Owen Hart and stone Steve Austin one night she wake up pregnant but don't who the father Amber clearly need to find out who the father her baby

  • after montreal

    this is a story of Amber LockHart and how her dream wedding was ruined by one single battle match after a one night stand Owen Hart and Amber LockHart they fell in love Bret is in WCW and Owen and Amber remains in WWF I'm going not all the story I'm writing this after 2014