
  • Times Are Changing

    Post Order of the Pheonix. The trio deals with the afterevents of what happened at the Department of Mysteries while trying to figure out what's going on and what's going to happen as the Wizarding War begins. I need title ideas.

  • Someone Special

    It's a one shot story about the trio's seveth year graduation ball. Hermione is asked to go by one of her best friends,but turns him down for the other. Will everything turn out okay? Will she finally tell the kid of her dreams how she feels?

  • First Date

    It's Valentine's Day and with Harry at Occlumency lessons, Hermione and Ron are left alone in the Gryffindor Common Room. Today is a lovely day for a trip to Hogsmeade. Does Ron get the courage to ask Hermione to join him as a first date?

  • How are you?

    It's after Easter break and Hermione never came back from vacation. Ron is really worried. Dumbledore tells them to stay in his office, but you know Harry and Ron, they go to St. Mungo's on their own to make sure Hermione is alright...