
  • Weeping Angels in Morganville

    some New Villain's have found there way to Morganville The Weeping Angels. Don't Blink. how will Claire Shane Eve and Michael be able to get rid of them? (It's a lot better then it sounds! Just read chapter 1!)

  • After happy ever after comes

    Emma fixed everything so does this mean nobody needs her anymore? Will she leave it all behind and move on? with some EmmaXHook scenes coming soon

  • The Wraith in Morganville

    There's a new enemy in Morganville, After Claire finds the necklace It marks Her and comes after her, But how can you kill something that's already dead? (I suck at these things, its better then it sounds just read chapter one!)

  • SlenderMan in Morganville

    SlenderMan in Morganville, its as simple as that! This is a oneshot. Made due to me playing way to much Slenderman. XD