
bea writes

  • We are children of dust and ashes

    James Potter knows that his time has come... but he still wished that he could have more time.

  • A mother's job

    Molly Weasley was a lucky woman and she knows that, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't have doubts sometimes.

  • A love sick deer

    Lily Evans, James Potter and Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans... this definitely won't end well.

  • A friend out of a book

    Hermione Granger always thought that the only friends that she will have are the books that she read; maybe she was wrong.

  • The light never looked so good

    Narcisa Malfoy knew she had to make a choice; she doesn't know if she follows the Family steps or what her heart desires.

  • Marauders and a Quidditch Try-outs

    When Quidditch Try-outs are happening, the Marauders can't help to add a little mischief.

  • New additions

    Who would have thought that little Hermione Granger would have such offensive words inside her? It certainly didn't cross Fred Weasley's mind at any moment.

  • Brought back to life

    He didn't think that he could come back... He is happy that he could.

  • A tour to remember

    What happens when two bands have plans to join a tour together?

  • Confessions and Hopes at St Mungo's

    Everything was so different and yet the same. Minerva just hoped it would end differently from the last time she walked these corridors.

  • A road trip to your heart

    A road trip is suppose to be fun and laugh and games right? But sometimes you can have love confessions too

  • War of Hearts

    She wasn't ready for the war that her heart was going through. He doesn't knew a thing about the plans that are made for him. When two hearts find themselves, nobody knows how this could affect a war. (Muggle Royalty AU)

  • The other Luna

    It's not everyday that you have the opportunity to meet your doppelganger. Luna didn't know that she will have that opportunity one day

  • The tale of the Prewitt pendant

    Always trust your instincts when it comes to the Weasley twins. Ginny wished she'd remember that.

  • A real Black sheep

    The moment the Hat touched his head, he knew his fate was sealed. He just couldn't imagine how.

  • Finding equilibrium

    Sometimes in life, you just need someone who helps you to learn to relax and find your balance

  • A rat in sheep's clothes

    Everyone always thought that they knew who I was. But what they didn't know, is that I never followed their expectations.

  • Trick or Treat?

    Halloween is here and what better way to celebrate than at a costume party?