
  • Nullified

    Third book in The Nether Queen series. Heather and Herobrine are happy with their lives, enjoying a balance of life between both dimensions they call home. However, some old enemies aren't willing to give up the fight just yet. Follow Heather, Herobrine, Steve, and Manfred through the thrilling conclusion to The Nether Queen trilogy! Rated T for violence.

  • Eyes Like Mine

    Olivia is not too happy with her life, living with blindness and the insulting overprotection she lives with on a daily basis, but she's not looking for a MAN to come and fix it for her. The stranger who likes to hang out on the same hill she does gives off an air of having nefarious intentions... but maybe he's just interested in the one human who isn't scared by his eyes.

  • Labor of the Lonely Heir

    Following Null's banishment to the End, Valor has become a truly formidable force with his father at his side to support him. When he loses him again, however, it will take a truly unlikely cast of characters to get him back. Rated T for violence. Placeholder cover from Google images.

  • Minecraft Oneshots

    Various oneshots that aren't connected to any of my other fics. Very Herobrine-centric. Rated T for violence in some of them.

  • Stephan

    Sequel to "Steven". Escape from their terrifying prison has certainly improved Herobrine and Steve's circumstances, but life has yet to go back to normal. Plagued with nightmares and the threat of recapture hanging over them, it may take an entirely new experience for the brothers to find peace. Not a ship fic. Rated T for mentions of violence.

  • Heir to a Bloody Throne

    Herobrine is dead, but his grieving son is determined not to let his legacy die. Rated T for violence.

  • Oh the Things we could Do

    One morning, an aspiring author wakes up to find herself in the world of her favorite TV show, at the beginning of the season where everything goes downhill. She resolves to fix everything, but that only brings on a load of new problems. Self-insert fic. Rated T for violence and romance.

  • The Darkness' Return

    Triquel to Return to the Cursed Realm. An old friend comes to the ninja for help with an old enemy, someone they had defeated long ago. It'll be easy to do it again, right? No. No it won't. Rated T for violence. Cover by Zena1421.

  • The End Times

    A kid-friendly Minecraft book. Colin and his sister, Henri, wake up one morning in the desolate void known as The End. Their only clue towards escaping is a friendly Enderman named Manfred, who claims that he was recently stolen from the overworld and given this nightmarish form. Will the trio make it back home, or will they fall victim to the void? K for action.

  • A Dragon Tale

    A story that I wrote for my younger siblings. Lots of OCs based on my siblings and I, mild HiccupXAstrid.