

  • Genius is a Star Whose Light (is Soon to Sink in Endless Night)

    Sherlock had buried the past. Shut Serbia away in the attic of his mind palace. Muddy footprints at a heinous crime scene, however, have led him right back to old enemies. And right back to captivity. For God's sake, Mycroft. (Loosely connected to my oneshot "Of Sweat, Sociopathy, Scars, and Secrets", but stands alone). First 3 chapters posted at once from AO3. Updates on Fridays.

  • The Winchester Mansion

    Sam and Dean visit the Winchester Mansion: a mysterious, 160-room mansion constructed by a woman who insisted that the spirits told her to do it over a century ago. But things get complicated when Sam sees himself die. True story, rating for language.

  • The Truth At Last

    Harry grudgingly agrees to write a biography. Things go... interestingly, to say the least. Read my self-indulgent version of a 40-year old Harry finally steering his life in the right direction. Excerpt: "...You should be grateful for the opportunity." Kingsley's smirk, however, betrayed his true feelings. "Yes, grateful," said Harry. "I've always wanted to be famous."

  • The Truth Hurts

    "Have you never thought it curious that wizards thought of enchanting brooms, of all things?" Hermione began slowly, slight smile gracing her features. "It can't have been for comfort, you know." Canon, borderline crack!fic. Rating for crude humor.

  • The Burn of the Phoenix

    ...Signifies a new beginning. Harry dies in the Final Battle. Dudley attends his cousin's funeral, quickly discovering that there was much more to Harry's life than he ever dreamed. Can regret give way to a fresh start? Canon, aside from Harry's death.

  • The End

    Harry had always expected to fight the final battle alone, not in the midst of every friend, student, and teacher from Hogwarts. Final battle oneshot...very sad and angsty, you may need a tissue!