
  • Pinion

    Pinion (v.): To cut off the outer part of a bird's wing to prevent flight. Tearing his ACL at the beginning of his second season with the MSBY Black Jackals sucks, but it may just be the best thing to happen to Hinata Shouyou in years. Kagehina- post-timeskip, estranged friends to lovers, feelings realization, and mutual pining.

  • Rewriting Fiction

    Sometimes, extraordinary things happen to the most ordinary people. But as any alchemist well knows, with those extraordinary things come just as extraordinary sacrifices - Karmyn Dallas will never again be able to see fact or fiction the same way she once did. Can she handle the truth? Only time will tell. (The 'Brotherhood' to In Truth, None of it Was Fiction!)

  • 2,080

    Twenty cigarettes a pack. One pack a week. Fifty-two packs a year. Two years and counting ... She couldn't say when exactly she had begun buying them. (Post-Season 2. Minor spoilers.)

  • A Five Year Old's Solace

    When A Five-Year-Old Harry Potter is ordered to sit on the bench while Dudley plays in the park, he never imagined that he would end up making a new friend- A friend that he would meet again six years later in Hogwarts! Two-shot.