
  • Productive Past Time

    "So you like me." "How the hell did we get there?" Midnight boredom got the best of L, and bombarding light with direct questions is probably the best solution to make him admit his feelings as well as being Kira LxLight, Hilarious, author's own product of boredom

  • Monsters Can't Lie

    Nightmares plague Mello - the eyes that seek justice of what he has done. It took his means as a person who wants a purpose, and he didn't expect something so pure built shadows behind. Brought together by fate to heal scars, or is it to add each other's pain?NearxMello, load your guns.

  • Zero Visibility

    And then there's me, at the third ranking. An Insignificant character for Near, a Russian's dog #Mello'sbstfriend, and the least favorite. Like stars in the morn... What's the word again? Oh right, zero visibility. I hope L didn't see me looking through the window...Or maybe he did. Or maybe he cared. Dedicated for Matt who died like shit, and a piece of his life set on his POV.