
  • Baby Steps

    "It might be good for you to make some friends, Hakuryuu. And I don't see any harm in starting with Judal." Random Hakuei and Hakuryuu fluff in which Judal actually never shows up besides being talked about. Magi Week Prompt: Past and/or Friendship.

  • Fair Fighting

    As good a sparring partner as Judal may be, he is - unfortunately so - still the most vexing person Hakuryuu knows. A really fluffy piece that was supposed to be shippy but wasn't for Magi Week's third prompt "Love".

  • Part of it All

    Perhaps tears are an unavoidable part of adventure. Aladdin knows this. Magi Week Prompt: Tears and/or Adventure.

  • Scion of the Gods

    After waking in a field with no memory, Robin is recruited as the tactician of Ylisse's Shepherds. Between arising war, budding feelings, and unanswered questions Robin fights with not only soldiers but also morals, family, and fate. Literal novelization of FE13 that strives to fill in any gaps the game provided.

  • Conflict

    He wasn't lying, when he said that his past didn't bother him. Ridiculously short Judal-centric drabble written more to get out my own thoughts than anything else.

  • Champions and Kings

    After his elder sister is married off to a noble of another kingdom, Green suddenly has to shoulder all kinds of responsibilities as his grandfather, the current king, falls ill; sticky relations with neighboring kingdoms, disapproving subjects, underground organizations, and his own unresolved relationship with Kanto's Champion... Medieval-ish AU, various pairings, rated M.

  • And I'm Home

    "His head spins and he can sense that his mental formulas are derailing, but he also senses that there is nothing he can do to stop them. It's vexing, that in the past three years he spent trying to learn to communicate with people, conversing with Touko remains beyond difficult." Ferriswheelshipping one-shot, post-BW2.