
  • One Final Sacrifice

    Grantaire knows Enjolras doesn't care, but maybe...maybe he can still save him just this once, instead of the other way around. warning for angst and blood and i'm so sorry my children. drabble. it's short. i know that. but give it a chance it only takes like thirty seconds to read so c'mon? Please?

  • Survivor's Guilt

    The revolt may be over, but Enjolras isn't. A guilt-ridden Apollo informs his friends' families about their deaths.

  • Cinderella

    Enjolras falls asleep while he and Grantaire are watching Cinderella. Cute, fluffy, more more fluff. Lots of fluff. Yay! By Marseillaise, your wonderful authoress.

  • Love Is Not A Victory March

    It's 1943 in Occupied France, and Enjolras (code name Apollo) is perhaps the bravest, most passionate young man in the French Resistance. On a routine run, Apollo is captured, leaving a broken Grantaire behind, robbed of his idol. Les Mis World War 2 AU. Rated T for descriptions of violence, torture, gore, etc. and some language. I'm back. Yep. Marseillaise is back in black.