

  • Learning How to Live

    Chapter 5 posted! / How do the Pikmin survive following the events of the first game? This will tell the story of a group of Pikmin who set the example: the Scouts. Multi-chaptered, OCs (Pikmin, of course). Will eventually detail some events in Pikmin 2.

  • Confide in Me

    Who put Mario in charge of picking roommates? Little Mac knows almost nothing about his roommate, and he doesn't even try to learn anything. Following their meeting in the Smash tournament, he finds maybe it's better to get to know people other than Doc Louis. No pairing, one-shot. / 4-18: Updated for accuracy.

  • A Smashing Beach Vacation

    Chapter 3 up! / The Smash tournament participants go to the beach for a short vacation. What adventures can our video game friends have on the beach, on the boardwalk, and at the beach house? In progress, no pairings as of yet, maybe none. Note: All characters who were mute protags in their original franchises will also be mute for this fanfic. Palette swap char. also not included.