
endlessly wandering

  • to have and to hold

    When the dew on the grass has dried to our clothes, we get to our feet and leave our son behind.

  • Will I Ever Find You Again

    Dying shouldn't be something you wish for when you're just shy of nineteen.

  • Right Time

    Darry has never believed there's a right time for everything.

  • sleeping in coffins

    I let the vodka on my tongue mix with his whiskey-soaked mouth and I knew I loved him.

  • Red Wine

    Whenever it calls, I listen.

  • Brain Fog

    The world was a kaleidoscope of color, of fake dopamine, of imaginary people and imaginary feelings.

  • Hotwired

    Being the son of a soldier isn't all its cracked up to be.

  • Sunset of Home

    He knew he was dying; but he was glad. He had fulfilled his purpose. To control the pain, instead of the pain controlling him.

  • City of Glass

    Sometimes I wonder how my family got here. I wonder why my Momma and Daddy fled the tracks and came to the side that I don't consider home.

  • Insanity

    "To be born with a dream, and to have to watch that dream crumble to nothing but dust can drive one to insanity. I used to have dreams; ones that I could achieve but my brothers could not. But since arriving here, I've been reduced to a shadow amongst other things."