Lady Rumbottom

  • Dementor's Kiss

    The return of Lady Rumbottom. One shot. Reflections of the great Sirius Black. Please read and review. Written in state of complete lack of mind. You have been warned.

  • Barbed Velvet

    Draco is....laughing. o.o. freaky fic. if you're depressed DO NOT READ!

  • Falling Through The Veil

    SIRI POEM! WOO HOO! but it's sad....thoughts as he falls through the veil. tear

  • She Alone Will Remain Loyal

    I KNOW alot of people hate her...but she's always neglected...read it! people are going to come after me with weapons...BELLATRX REFLECTS IN AZKABAN!

  • Breathe No More

    Song Fic starring Ginny Weasley! VERY miseryish. I think it's worth reading though! Song is