
  • Beyond Your Dreams

    Her power is beyond anyone's dreams, but she trusts no one. Will Severus Snape break through her powerful shell of memories? Might have some Angst, and the Fantasy is for her excessive power... Could be a Mary Sue.

  • Dream

    Raven is stuck in hell for her summer - a very small hell with one other occupant. So she finds a way to relieve the stress. possible oneshot, may continue if people like it. And I'll give you the Disclaimer now. I don't own the HP-verse, just Raven.

  • When You Believe

    The story of a gifted young woman who befriends a withdrawn hero. Can she succeed without hurting others with her lack of hearing?

  • Mysterious

    Diana is a girl who's father was a drunkard, and a beater. Harry Potter is the world's famous wizard. He, Lupin, and Sirius end up saving Diana from a severe beating. Will this let them earn her trust? MS Rating may be upped later, and reason will be