
  • Catnip

    Slow burn Monochrome. At least it might have been slow if Blake wasn't high as a kite. Rated T mostly for Yang's insinuations. (Cover art by the one, the only, Dashingicecream.)

  • Road to Recovery

    Direct sequel to Grimm Rats, in which everyone ships White Rose except for Weiss and possibly Ruby. Genre: friendship? Humor? Suspense? Some of everything? Our favorite heiress is charged with looking after her recuperating teammates. COMPLETE. Tell us your favorite parts!

  • Tweiss as Nice

    In hindsight, walking in on Weiss in the shower was probably not the best way to get on her good side. Complete!

  • Close Quarters

    Super-prankster Yang shoves Ruby and Weiss in a locker. Bumblebee if you squint, White Rose if you squint harder. Complete! Now in multi-chapter format.

  • Grimm Rats

    A routine field trip to Forever Fall goes horribly, horribly wrong. FINISHED. Short epilogue is up! Thanks for the reviews!

  • The Exploding Cake

    Oneshot. Ruby and Yang design a combustible cake for pranking purposes. Target #1: Weiss Schnee. Who will survive?