
  • Dragon Ball Legends

    Five long years have passed since the end of the Cell Games, the untimely death of Son Goku, and the coming of Bojack. The protectors of Earth have lived in peace after such times. That peace is now over. New enemies have arrived, with an odd fixation on Saiyans both living and dead...(Post Cell AU, Unrelated to the Mobile Game)

  • Outta This World: Observer's Cut

    (Rewrite of Teen Titans: A Titan from Outta this World. Original Story by Disciple of Revan, and done with his permission) We've all heard the same old story so many times. Five teenagers unite in order to save the world. Now hear a different one. One more joins the fray. One from our world. However, the universe requires balance. Where there is good, there must also be evil...