

  • That Night With the Soldier

    She winces as another sharp pain shoots through her, clinching her fists so tightly she can feel her nails biting into the palms of her hands. She's not thinking about pain though, not physical pain. All she can think about is him. She wants him here with her. That's what's causing her deepest pain, she knows he's not coming. Daryl Dixon and Beth Greene

  • The Lie

    It's been ten years. Ten long years since he last saw Beth Greene. Looking back on that day he remembers it all so clearly, as if it just happened. The lie changed so many things and caused so much pain and anguish. Is there any chance it can be fixed? Daryl Dixon and Beth Greene Bethyl Romance AU

  • A Quiet Love

    Valentine's Day, he's never given it a thought. It's just some dumb holiday run by flower shops, jewelry stores and candymakers. This Valentine's Day is different though. He and Connie have been living together for a few months and this is the day he plans to show her just how much she means to him. Daryl and Connie Love

  • The Trucker

    When she took the job at the lumber mill she didn't expect to meet the man of her dreams, but when the 18 wheeler rolled in the log yard she was instantly smitten. Daryl Dixon and Beth Greene Romance AU