
  • Making Music Together

    While the war rages on outside its walls, seventh year Ginny Weasley experiences love

  • My Mother

    They knew happiness once, but now they hear a phantom laugh, a laugh of someone long gone, but never forgotten, no, never forgotten . . .

  • Whisper to a Scream

    In the myths of Old England, there were three young girls who defied their families and tradition and went to battle. In 1997 they returned, but why?

  • And Then The Sun Comes

    It’s been raining non-stop for nineteen days, and Ginny Weasley is growing restless, until she decides to take a walk, and runs into everyone’s favorite Slytherin…

  • Life's Purpose

    After a horrific summer, Ginny is recruited by the Gods to find who they called the Next Savior. But in the course of victory over the dark side, there is love, loss and sadness. Who knew a short curiosity visit into a muggle cathedral would make such a d

  • Saving Fate

    The war for peace is over, peace didn't win. After sixteen years of constant fighting, many wonder if it will ever stop. The children born during the war will do anything to stop it. **RATED FOR THOSE WITH SQUMISH SIDES LOTS OF BLOOD AND GORE!!**

  • Sympathy

    Blaise is the quiet Slytherin that no one ever took the time to get to know. Now, because of her extremely high grades- even higher that Hermione's- she is head girl, along with Harry as head boy. . . Will love bloom in this unexpected matchup?