Moonsugar and Spice

  • It Takes a Pillage

    Lu Da - thief, mercenary pirate captain, and privateer to the Fire Nation - finds himself suddenly an adoptive father. Hijinks and shenanigans ensue. Takes place 6 years prior to my fic, Storms of Ice and Fire.

  • You Didn't Mean It

    Three little words that tilt the world on its side...

  • Phoenix

    "A closed door might be an ending, but it's also a beginning," he'd said during their first accidental encounter upon her return, "a different way forward. A death, and a rebirth."

  • All the Light Gone Out

    "At least the avatar took his bending." "He should have taken his life instead."

  • Duty-bound

    "This hardly seems like a good idea," she pressed, her Fire Nation sword secured within the loose folds of her tunic. "I imagine some things may be different since you were last here." But Lu Da was already off, heading away from the harbor, in the opposite direction from his crew. Ta Ming was fairly certain Ozai had not authorized this stop, which added unnecessary risk to the mi