

  • Guests in the Hollow Night

    What if Eltnum and Akatsuki were not the only outside individuals from other worlds that showed up in the world of Under Night In-Birth? Find out how these myriad of warriors would go though the Abyss of the Night in their own unique story.

  • Tales of Symphonia: Marta's Quest

    As Emil and his companions are preparing to face Richter at the Ginungagap to stop his plans to sell the world to the demons, a thought passed through his mind in regards to what Marta Lualdi, the girl he loves with all his heart, has been doing during the six months between the Blood Purge and their reunion at Luin. Tonight, that untold story will now come to light. SPOILER ALERT!

  • XBLAZE: A New Start

    After defeating Freaks and with her loved ones memories of her returning, Es had finally obtained the happy ending she wanted. A year has passed sense than and with Mei ready to begin their new mission to destroy the Gates of Sheol, Es needs to resolve one thing before she start her new journey: To confess her love to Touya. [Es X Touya] MASSIVE SPOILERS TO THE XBLAZE GAMES.

  • XBLAZE: First Night at Mei's

    Prequel to XBLAZE: A New Start. Es is having her first official visit with Mei at her house ever sense her brief stay. Tonight won't just be fun and games however, as Es plans to confide in her Shrine Maiden friend about her feelings for Touya Kagari. How will Mei react to the Azure Maiden's blossomed feelings for the young man?

  • Tales of Symphonia: Due to the Fallen Ones

    After having parted ways with Emil, Marta has one last thing to do; to give a proper burial for Alice and Decus, the two enemies who fought against her and her friends time and again. MASSIVE ENDGAME SPOILERS SET BEFORE THE TRUE ENDING. [First Story Posted]