

  • Will You Catch Me if I Fall?

    Two souls broken. One leads the life of a Hero. The other lives in the shadows of crime. Neither of them had a choice in their lives. He was just doing his duty when he reached a hand towards her, to save her from the darkness. But in the end, who was saving who?

  • Bare Your Fangs Towards the Heavens

    Blood of pirates runs deep in her veins yet the young apothecary prefers to drift through the seas alone like a cloud on the wind. Until she met the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates. Curious, she decides to tag along for a bit to see what the life of piracy was like. But the longer she stayed, the harder it would become to leave.

  • Snow Opal

    After the meeting with Ahsoka Tano didn't go as planned, Din Djarin was once again back to his old routine while looking for Jedi. He takes up jobs here and there with the Child in tow. One leads him to a swampy jungle planet where he meets a Mercenary. Well she actually fell on him...