
  • The Addict and the Christian

    Sherlock, desperate to explain that he meant what he said during The Phone Call, finds Molly has left town. Devastated, he returns to using drugs. When Molly returns to help him detox, she admits she still loves him but refuses a romantic relationship. Read A/N in 1st chapter to find out why. Post TFP (RoLD series, part 15) Sherlolly. M-rated for descriptions of drug usage.

  • A Second Honeymoon Journey

    As the Delta variant delays the proper reopening of the UK economy, Molly notices that Sherlock is becoming increasingly depressed with his inability to work regularly on cases. She decides it is time to take matters into her own hands to cheer him up, so she books a second honeymoon for their 4th anniversary. Sherlolly. Parentlock x2. (Part of my continuing Journey series)

  • The Omicron Variant

    Almost two years after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sherlock and Molly have successfully escaped infection to this point. But with the rise of the most contagious variant yet, will their luck hold? A Christian perspective on dealing with the reality of Covid. Sherlolly. Parentlock x2. (Part of my continuing Journey series)