

  • A Taste of Freedom

    Harry sees Draco for the first time after graduation. He has purple hair, a septum piercing and a tattoo on his neck. "What are you staring at, Potter? Am I insulting your sense of beauty? I'm not playing by anyone's rules anymore. At least, now I'm free."

  • I live

    I doubt that anyone understands what my life is really like. I keep up with the appearances and, if asked, I smile and say that everything's fine, although deep inside I know that my life is painted in two distinct colours: the colour of life and the colour of existence.

  • The Flatmate

    Our favourite characters grew up and started a new life. Harry doesn't want to live on Grimmauld place, so he decides to rent a flat; ironically, the place he finds belongs to Draco Malfoy. In the beginning of the story both think that they are normal straight guys; they're a bit homophobic and sexist, which will gradually change. Please comment if you like the fic, it helps :)

  • Not Lucius

    Draco never wanted to be like his father, but, turns out, it was more difficult that he thought it would be. Fic about Draco as a parent.