LH Wordsmith

  • Brightest Stars

    A pirate queen, a golden mane, a silver spear, a wicked ring. From all across the world of Middle Earth, heroes are beloved in some fashion. These are their day to day stories, different, special. A collection of drabbles featuring different pairings/characters. Will accept prompts. Also will include some AUs.

  • A Poppy Transplanted

    Poppy Hopkirk never thought she'd leave her beloved Ilvermorny, or her house Thunderbird. But when her parents die in a mysterious fire, she's packed up and shipped off to live with Aunt Minnie in England. Only, her aunt is a teacher, and enrolls Poppy in school... at Hogwarts. A rising Dark Lord, her parents' suspicious demise, and Marauders are sure to make the year... eventful.