
  • Start of a War

    It's the Marauder's first year at Hogwarts. Both inside and outside the walls rumors spread of a rising dark wizard and war. Unlikely friendships are formed. This story follows the start of the First Wizarding War. Marauder's Era Prequel to my other fic: On the Black Family's side. (loosely canon because of OCs) CP: A03

  • They're safe with me

    The different times the marauders and friends reassured James, Lily, Sirius, and Jane that they would take care of their respective children. And the one time two have them had to actually follow through with it.

  • On the Black Family's side

    Sirius black left behind a family before he went to Azkaban. His daughter, Jazlyn, is In Harry's year at hogwarts. How would Sirius having a family change the story? What were the consequences to his family for not telling anyone about switching secret keepers? I'm know this has been done before but this is my take on it. Also this is my first fanfic.