
  • One above all

    In 1977 Kishibe found a child among a massacre where a family used to live, he decides to take the child with him until he finds a new home. Meanwhile in another place the demon of control learns that he must become someone perfect to get to the top and be someone who can achieve anything. And that means using people too.

  • Uno sobre todos

    En 1977 Kishibe encontró a un niño entre una masacre donde antes vivia una familia, él decide llevarse al niño consigo hasta conseguirle un nuevo hogar. Mientras tanto en otro lugar el demonio del control aprende que debe llegar a ser alguien perfecto para llegar a la cima y ser alguien que pueda lograr lo que sea. Y eso significa usar también a las personas.

  • The world that i destroyed, and the world that I saved English versio

    Has it really been 3 years since he left, since he left Remnant, all behind, his friends and teammates HEAL? He felt like yesterday when he was spending quality time with her in training. But he had to leave them, go and betray them for the greater good. But was it worth it? Yes, but at the same time no.