
  • SNOG

    To the tune of "Stand" by R.E.M. Dedicated to all the snog-fic writers out there. (: PG-13 for inuendo and too much use of the word "snog"

  • Two Evil Overlords Walk Into A Bar...

    What would happen if Voldie and Sauron went to see each others' movies...and hit the Villains' Bar for drinks? And finally it's done! Now EVERYBODY...R/R! (: PG-13 for some swearing and sexual inuendo.

  • Dragon Hunter

    Heehee...I know, ANOTHER parody? Like I write anything else. But this isn't a songfic...its a parody of the Crocodile Hunter show, this time starring Charlie Weasley...my FAVORITE Weasley, and Hagrid on mage-o-cam! No romance at all...unless you count

  • Baby Got Hair

    inspired by "Baby Got Wand" and "Baby Got Scar." From Ron to Hermione...of course. (: The PG-13 might be a little strong...there's only 2 bad words, and a little iddy bit of suggestive content. (: Please R/R, it's my first fic on this forum.