

  • Passing Notes

    The marauders and their friends pass notes in class.

  • Thank Merlin for Lily Evans!

    Lily Evans has protected the marauders more times than she cares to admit.

  • Hey, Prongs, truth or dare?

    No-one thought they'd ever see the day James didn't want to ask Lily out. But they also never thought they'd see the day she said yes...

  • Hermione's Beaded Bag

    Harry, Ron and Hermione hide from Voldemort - in Hermione's bag! This started out as a joke between me and my friend - if Hermione's bag fits so much in it then why didn't they just hide in that? So I decided to write it as a fanfic. (K for Ron's language!)

  • It was you

    What if Voldemort decided to grant Snape's request and spare Lily?