
  • Speak Now

    What would happen if Ginny interrupted the wedding between Draco and Astoria. Based on the song Speak Now by Taylor Swift. This is a Draco/Ginny fic, but it revolves a lot around a one sided Draco/Astoria pairing. Hope you like it. It is indeed a songfic.

  • Betrayal is her Desire

    Daphne Greengrass has looked for the mirror of Erised since she first heard about it. Finding it makes her wish she never had. One sided Daphne/Draco fic

  • Stumbling Onto Something to Wish For

    Crabbe finds the mirror of Erised. Written for the I show not your face challenge.

  • Staying Tied Together

    Luna loves Dean, but she knows he doesn't love her like she does him. She puts on her best smile and pretends everything is ok.

  • Halloween Sweets

    What happens during a Halloween masquerade at Hogwarts. People ignore things they would notmally object to, and pranks are pulled. Pairing hinted are George/Pansy Blaise/Luna Draco/Ginny.

  • Why Draco Malfoy loves Muggle Fortune Cookies

    The title pretty much says it all. It's a challenge entry, and a one-shot. Enjoy.

  • Stupid Binder

    Challenge Entry. Why was George Weasley in the Slytherin common room on a Sunday night?