
  • Anna 13

    So, "Turn Left" happens, and spawns a different Anna, Anna 1. Anna 1 then gets taken by the angels, rescues herself, and ends up in the Tardis... only to find the Doctor dead. Anna 1 ends up in the alternate timeline. "Turn Left" happens and spawns more Anna's, all the way to Anna 13. Except, the angels never existed in "Turn Left." So, where did Anna 1 come from?

  • Now The Tide Turns

    Anna is an all-powerful being, able to change the universe on a dime. She nearly did just that; trust has never been so fragile between her and the Doctor. In other news, Amy and River have joined the fray, and it seems that everything's changed from the way Anna knew it. As the Whoniverse keeps turning, Anna finds out just how much she still has to learn. Third in "A Mop" series.

  • What Rue Thought

    One-shot. What Rue thought when Ali asked the question, "how do you want to be remembered?"