
  • On the Wings of Freedom: A Captain's Love III

    Jack and Caithleen are back aboard the Black Pearl and a new adventure waits for them. The last strongholds of piracy are in danger to get wiped away from the charts. Jack has to make a try to prevent that - and there is still an open score to settle. Captain Jack Sparrow/OC

  • Fountain of Youth: A Captain's Love II

    Jack Sparrow finally found his beloved Caithleen, but he's forced to find the legendary Fountain of Youth within a year's time. Otherwise he will lose her again. My very personal version of POTC - Part 4. Captain Jack Sparrow/OC

  • Black Pearl: A Captain's Love - Revised (Extended)

    I always wondered about why Jack Sparrow is so obsessed by his ship - the "Black Pearl". Maybe it is because she's more to him but just a ship. Full summary inside. Jack/OC and it's time to change the rating for the chapters to come...

  • Black Pearl: A Captain's Love - Original (Complete)

    Jack Sparrow is obsessed with his ship - the Black Pearl. What could be the reason for him to endure betrayal, torture, death, mutiny and the horrors of Davy Jones' Locker while trying to get the infamous vessel back?