
  • Valentine's Day: A New Beginning

    Shadow and Claire are happy with their lives, but she feels something is missing. He decides to try to find a way to give her what she wants, which leads him to Humphrey, where he finds an extremely young pup that reminds Shadow of himself. (A/N: I suck at summaries, sorry. :P)

  • Christmas in Jasper

    Christmas one-shot. A rumor has been going around about a couple of wolves that have been leaving behind gifts for the pups in Jasper. Who are they and why are they doing this? Read to find out. *I'm not very good at summaries*

  • Sins of the Past

    Kate and Garth stand up to their parents about their forced marriage and confess their love for Humphrey and Lilly, but the packs don't accept it and they leave. Garth runs off with Lilly to the North, while Kate runs off after Humphrey, who had left to become a lone wolf. Humphrey ends up in Yellowstone and meets his Aunt Pamuy, who reveals Tony's sins of the past.