

  • Hindsight

    WIP - Geralt lays dying and Yennefer is filled with regrets. Will have a happy ending I promise. Putting it out here early cuz why not

  • A Measure of Salvation - Usque Ad Finem

    A continuation and remaster of Mal Cobb's A Measure of Salvation. It follows Shepard and his crew as they navigate the dangers after ME2 and even past ME3. Miranda/Shepard. Huge WIP but aim to get chapters up every week. Rated M for intense violence, sexual content, language. Enjoy and give feedback! (Also not taking credit for the majority of the story up to chapter 45)

  • Idiots

    They were supposed to be back six hours ago. Yet somehow, Shepard and Garrus, were not. To say Miranda was miffed would be an understatement.

  • Short Story 1 - Beginnings

    This is a completely OC short story on what happens after Miranda's loyalty mission. Miranda/Shepard. Takes place within the Measure of Salvation storyline. Shepard is lost in thought about his past failures as Miranda meets her sister. There will be more of these short stories in the MoS storyline! Rated T for violence and mild sexual content