

  • Where's My Love?

    Not thinking about the cameras, not thinking of anything really, he takes hold of her limp hand. It's warm, not particularly soft. Her hands have been rough with calluses as long as he's known her, from her knives and other blades. His hands look the same, just on a much larger scale. She'd asked him once, right after they'd starting meeting up in closets and quiet corridors, if he

  • Star Crossed Lovers and Things Like That

    She could say something but why bother? He's leading them away from Fire Girl, sure, but Clove isn't particularly invested in finding her at the moment.

  • Such Sweet Sorrow

    Maria and Valentina fully expect Grazi to lose it again. On their way to visit she and the new baby at the hospital, they prepare for it. Graziella had struggled so much during her pregnancy, would it continue?

  • On Sleepless Roads

    Had he ever told him just how much he appreciated it? He didn't think so. They'd been too busy being cool to say I love you, or even thank you. Now it was too late.

  • Coney Island Queen

    Grazi sighed. Making friends with Riff was the last thing she wanted to do. But if she wanted to keep Velma, if she wanted the gang, and, as Velma had said, if she wanted to get closer to Tony, she had no choice. "Yeah. Fine. How bad could it be?"

  • Love's Labors

    Graziella is cursed. She knows that now. Everything Grazi touches, everyone she loves, will die. She knows because she's loved exactly two people in her life and now they're both in the ground.