

  • Beyond the Stars

    Nova Larsen joined the Galaxy Garrison for two reasons: to escape her family and to make a difference. After meetingTakashi Shirogane and Matt Holt those dreams seemed in reach. Everything was fine until her two best friends disappeared on a trip to the moon. Desperate to find them she joins the Paladins of Voltron.

  • Sweet Dreams

    Katherine Malloy had never wanted a conventional life. She was fascinated by fictitious worlds, but despite her dream to be in one the reality was a lot less glamourous. It is 1986 and this will be her third time facing an inter-dimensional creature and Katherine wants a break. Luckily for the Hawkins group, she won't give up without a fight. Eddie Munson x oc

  • Recreating a Role Model

    Cornelius Robinson died leaving behind an infant daughter and his son, who was just accepted into the most prestigious university in Tomorrowland. Wilbur Robinson, not quite ready to let go of his father and friend elicits the help of his two companions, Sam and Brian, to so a final goodbye to the father of Tomorrowland. Of course, this means traveling in time. eventual wilburxfoc