
  • Among the Cold Stars PtII

    The second part of the Among the Cold Stars story. Weiss, Raven and Qrow set off on their new mission bestowed upon them by Ozpin. Godlike description I know.

  • The Visit

    After spending a week with Jacen, Sabine decided to visit her other family.

  • Looking back and into the future

    Jacen gets to visit Sabine on Lothal. Sabine tries to figure things out.

  • World of Death Dealers

    Weiss always thought herself a righteous person, which is why she became the newest and youngest CEO in the world and wanted show them all, that she's more than they perceive her as. Little exercise in writing dialogues based in business world. Reviews are welcomed.

  • Among The Cold Stars

    Among the stars and planets, there are stations floating around, hosting many people and groups, providing shelter and promise of stable future. For Weiss, that stable future ended not that long ago, now she wanders in hopes of finding something to hold on to. Perhaps Vale Station will provide just that.